Why more and more entrepreneurs choose to join the milk tea project
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  • Source:wedrink
  • Release time:2023-12-14 17:16:47

One of the more popular projects for small restaurant franchises is milk tea franchise. Especially in recent years, milk tea shop franchises have continued to become popular. You can see well-known milk tea brands in both first-tier cities and second-tier and third-tier cities. The booming milk tea market has led more and more entrepreneurs to focus on the milk tea franchise project. In addition to the promising market prospects, what are the other reasons why more and more entrepreneurs choose to join the milk tea franchise project?


Entrepreneurs choose milk tea franchise projects mainly because milk tea has good market prospects. However, for newly graduated college students, mothers with babies and people with no catering experience, if the project does not have some advantages, no matter how promising the project is, it is not worth investing in. , and the milk tea project has exactly these exciting advantages, which mainly refer to the following three major advantages:

1. Low investment cost

Compared with large-scale catering investment projects, milk tea investment projects have low investment costs and considerable profits. For first-time entrepreneurs, especially those with limited budgets, they can obtain better returns with less investment.

When investing in a milk tea project, a large part of the expenditure is used for store rent and decoration. The location of a milk tea store is very flexible. At the same time, the area requirement of the store is not high, basically only 15 square meters is required. This can also provide Entrepreneurs save more investment costs.

Well-known chain milk tea franchise brands will have their own raw material factories and raw material origins, and provide unified supplies to entrepreneurs. This can not only ensure product quality, but also help entrepreneurs purchase raw materials without being affected by market price fluctuations, thereby saving costs. 


2. Strong replicability

For relatively well-known milk tea brands, such as Mixue Bingcheng/Cha Baidao/Cha Zhuang, etc., these well-known milk tea brands have undergone continuous development and accumulation. They all have standardized production processes and recipes and are highly replicable. This feature It can help entrepreneurs get started easily after simple training. This feature of milk tea franchise is very inclusive, giving more entrepreneurial options to newly graduated college students, mothers with babies and entrepreneurs without catering experience.

3. Mature operating model

Well-known milk tea franchise brands usually have a complete operating model, including supply chain management, employee training, marketing strategies, etc. This makes it easier for entrepreneurs to master business skills and achieve stable profits.

A mature operating model including food source, raw material factory, logistics system construction, store operation and after-sales service can all be standardized, which can help entrepreneurs better focus on store operation and management.


The above is a detailed explanation of the article "Why more and more entrepreneurs choose to join the milk tea project". It can be seen that there are many reasons why entrepreneurs choose to join the milk tea project. In addition to the market prospects of the milk tea project itself, there are also Including strong flexibility, replicability, and mature operating model. These factors make entrepreneurs choose to join the milk tea franchise. In addition, if they want to make a quick return on investment, they need to conduct preliminary market research and choose the milk tea brand that best suits them. They must choose those professional and reliable brands to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible!

As a domestically promoted brand, WEDRINK is positioned to appeal to young people. It mainly sells fresh ice cream, tea, coffee, juice, etc., and provides consumers with high-quality, low-priced sweet ice cream and drinks with a civilian business model. WEDRINK has strong franchise advantages: its own raw material factory, achieving cost advantage; free logistics system, achieving distribution advantage; its own teaching staff, achieving talent advantage; its own R&D team, achieving taste advantage; its own source of food ingredients, achieving quality advantage , big brands are trustworthy. If you want to join a milk tea shop, you can call the WEDRINK national investment hotline.

Tea advocates franchise consultation